Depo Monat

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Category: Hormones (HRT)
Price $6

19 August 2023

View 9310 View

Depot Monat
Each 0.5ml vial contains:
Estradiol Cypionate 10mg
Medroxyprogesterone Acetate 50mg
Sell as vial, not the whole box
1 vial is 5 USD 


Endometriosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Contraceptive.


Dosage/Direction for Use:

Contraception 150 mg IM every 3 mth.

Endometriosis 50 mg wkly or 100 mg every 2 wk.



Undianosed vag bleeding, pregnancy, history of thromboembolic disorders, history of herpes during pregnancy,

pruritus or idiopathic jaundice, severe liver impairment, hormone-dependent neoplasms, Dubin-johnson & Rotor syndromes.


Special Precautions:

Migraine, Epilepsy, Asthma, CV, Renal dysfunction, Depression, DM.


Adverse Reactions:

Skin rash, Urticaria, Hair changes, GI upset, Breast tenderness, Cycle disturbances, Wt gain, Edema, Headache.

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